As libertines and libertarians, we impose no predefined use cases. Each user group can define its own ways to use the token and establish internal organization—Popes, High Priests, Councils of Elders, Shamans, Dominatrixes, Kings, or simply anarchists with no leadership: you choose!

 Rise your own Meme Wide Shut Communities!

 Rise your own Meme Wide Shut Clubs!

 Rise your own Meme Wide Shut Cults!


Some ideas for a WORLD WIDE WEB use case:

1. Exclusive Social Currency:

  • Used for access to virtual/secret events, private parties, and exclusive content. We aim to be the official currency of libertinism, fun, and pleasure.

  • Payment in online games and metaverses inspired by the mysterious aesthetic of Eyes Wide Shut.

  • A symbol of status, belonging to a club, community, or cult.

2. Thematic NFTs:

  • Representation of masks, symbols, and movie scenes as collectible digital items.

3. Gamification of Secrets and Discovery:

  • Crypto events will release "clues," with rewards for holders who solve puzzles.

4. Niche Community:

  • Leveraging social networks like X or Telegram, we aim to be a platform for artists exploring themes of privacy, desire, and obsession, with MEME WIDE SHUT as a medium of exchange.

  • Networking with like-minded individuals.

5. Store of Aesthetics:

  • Like a work of art valued for its aesthetics, a token with unique, exclusive, and pleasurable aesthetics is valuable for the emotional pleasure it provides.

6. Store of Value:

  • With a limited issuance of 69 million tokens, WIDE is a rare asset that can serve as a store of value.